BHU Nursing Officer's
BHU UET or Banaras Hindu University Undergraduate Entrance Test is an undergraduate level entrance exam conducted for admission to UG courses offered by NTA. The BHU UET application filling process includes steps like registration, filling of preferences and seat allotment.
What is the salary of BHU? average BHU monthly salary ranges from approximately ₹ 10,000 per month for Laborer to ₹ 2,09,200 per month for Assistant Superintendent. The average BHU salary ranges from approximately ₹ 1,77,537 per year for Professor to ₹ 1,80,000 per year for Research Manager.
What is qualifying marks in BHU?
Candidates can check below the BHU 1st cut off 2022 shared by the University for BA Social Science, BA Shastri and BA Arts. The first round cut off for candidates belonging to general category is 352 for BA Social, 165.6 for BA Shastri and 340 in FMC and 339 in MMV for BA Arts